Month: October 2012

New York New York

Will be heading to NYCC for the first time next week, do drop by the Artist Alley booth U10!

New York Comic Con

October 11-12, 2012

Booth U10

Malinky Robot (including the Boxed Set), Liquid City, Posters, Postcards and Original Art will be all on sale :p Stay updated for more news with Twitter!

In the meanwhile, a couple of recent Malinky Robot Reviews!

Chris Sims at Comics Alliance says “[the] simple plots….have a depth of their own, and it’s something that’s really difficult to explain. It’s a feeling, a combination of that expressive art and the way that Liew chooses which moments to show over the course of his story….it’s a great collection of some truly excellent comics….and it’s more than worth your time to check it out.

Over at GeekMatic, it says: “There are five amazing stories … The strokes and art work by Sonny Liew is something new to the eye out of the ordinary independent works…

Robot Row

The Mural Project at Punggol Waterways is finally done! (Click on image above for larger version of the image) It’s been a long drawn out process with a bit of a learning curve – lots of logistics involved, from paints and tools (brushes, rollers, extra large compasses, spirits levels, masking tape) required to scaffoldings and worksite insurance.

An earlier post about the initial sketches:

Having never worked on an actual wall mural before, i roped in Alan Leong, Reuben Ashley and others who’d done mural work for Social Creatives to help out with the process.

The location made things tricky – next to a fairly narrow footpath, which meant that the worksite had to be cordoned off somehow, leaving less than ideal space for the team to be able to work from (and view the progress from a distance). In the end it was a combination of orange netting with holes, mobile scaffoldings and a lot of ad hoc ways of getting things done. Big thanks to Nik, Mingjie, Alan, Reuben, Xueling, Chanel, Cassie, Siew May and Shiuan for all the work put in!

And of course to Kiruthiga at the National Art Council, for her endless patience in dealing with all the paperwork and constantly shifting sands that the project entailed :p

Lots of paints and assorted materials used, and there was masking tape everywhere by the end :p

Anyone hoping to see the mural will have to make a trek to Punggol. Its near the (as yet unopened) Sumang LRT station.