Month: December 2011

Last Tidings

Near year’s end, Andrew Cheverton names Malinky Robot as one of his Best of the Year Titles on the Forbidden Planet International Blog.

Image put out a beautiful collection of Sonny Liew’s Malinky Robot comics, which are a delightful fusion of manga and European comics set in a steampunk near-future. The original comics are lovely, but the speech balloons (like the art) were pencils only, so it was nice to reread the stories with better lettering. Imagine the cast of Peanuts living in a video game. Malinky Robot is a bit like that, but so much more.”

And from further back, an old Panel2Panel podcast has a review of the same book from Grant who compares it to the incredible Shaun Tan, starting from 32:05

… incredibly expressive, pastel coloured,  pencil sketchy [and] intricate artwork… a really, really fun book.”

Get a copy today! 🙂

Rush Houred

The FA bans Luis Suarez for 8 games. Rather odd forthrightness given the complexity of the case, as the video would indicate.

… the eight-game ban would seem to go much further. It smacks of the FA seizing on a chance to score a political point. Were they really judging a case, or are they more interested in landing a glove on Sepp Blatter?


Secret Robot Spy Factory Report 2011

The holidays are just round the corner, so here’s an early Merry Xmas!

Malinky Robot: Collected Stories & Other Bits was released this year, do get a copy (or copies for your friends and robots!) if you haven’t already! :p

Find out more about the book at:

Or buy it at:

“[Q]uite possibly the most charming set of comics that I have ever read…a fantastic combination of urban fantasy and childlike wonder packed in a box of adventure …Atari and Oliver are fantastically written, lovable kids [and the] artwork was just astounding” Felicity Gustafson, Comics Bulletin

“Malinky Robot is the real deal, the kind of book that should go not just on the must-buy list, but on the must-buy-for-friends list…[it] reads like something you’ve known all your life and also are seeing for the first time… a story of gentle tragedy, a near-future sci-fi comic with heart, a buddy story with an impressive supporting cast. The design is brilliant, and the storytelling is resonant in all the best ways.”Wendy Holler, Newsarama

“A charming, beautifully drawn little world.. that I would have liked to climb into and walk around in for a while.” – Mike Mignola, Hellboy

“Sonny Liew occupies a proud place in a lineage that includes Walt Kelly, Cliff Sterrett, Frank King, Charles M. Schulz, Jeff Smith and Louis Trondheim. His clear, speaking lines carry a huge weight of emotion, and it’s usually more than one emotion. He makes you laugh, he makes you hurt.”Mike Carey (Hellblazer, X-Men, The Unwritten)

Elephant Memory Man is still pondering the past over at Vivocity, so do drop by to say hello if you are in Singapore!

2011 was also the year…

Ten-ten, good buddies, see you on the other side.

Pencilled In

Nerfreaders reviews Re-Gifters

Rockgirl likes some drawings 🙂

..and Floppybootstomp read Liquid City and other things 🙂

Not the Straits Times

…but the New Straits Times! A Review/Interview of Malinky Robot by Rizal Solomon 🙂

The book has a magic that slowly wraps itself around you. The city Liew creates feels alive. It manages the remarkable feat of being gritty, grimy, gorgeous and futuristic all at once. You wish this was an open world game that you could wander around in and explore.

Thanks Rizal! 🙂

Remember top check out the Malinky Robot FB page for more reviews and Things and Stuff!