Month: December 2014

Bad Company


Been working on The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye for quite a while, past deadlines and cancelled grants, always wondering where the book was headed… so it’s with a sense of relief and a dose of giddiness to be able to say that the book is being picked up in the US and UK by Pantheon Books.

Their back catalog is several kinds of amazing, from Maus to Persepolis, Asterios Polyp to Jimmy Corrigan, Ice Haven, Mr. Wonderful and the Ben Katchors…

I’m hoping Charlie Chan is not some kind of outlier; but even if it was, I’ll just ride the wave for a bit before the wipeout :p

Readers in Singapore and Malaysia will get a first look at the book, with Epigram Books publishing what might be called the Singaporean edition in early 2015.

For the Real Bad Company : Bad Company



The Shadow Hero has made several best of lists of late, including…

1. NPR’s Best Books of 2014

2. Salon’s 10 Spectacular GN of 2014

3. Washington Post’s Top 10 Graphic Novels of 2014

4. Amazon’s Best Books of 2014

5. The Goodreads Choice Awards 2014 (vote now! :p)

And there’s exciting news on The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye pending soon too!


I haven’t had a chance to read too many new comics this year, but Beautiful Darkness by Vehlmann & Kerascoet did stick in the mind with its combination of childrens book illustrations and dark, dark deeds.

Favourite movie of 2014 is a tossup between Edge of Tomorrow and Boyhood, though Koreeeda’s I Wish on DVD was excellent too.

And then there was the belated discovery of Adventure Time :p