sense & sensibility


An interview with”  El Sitio de Jane ” about the Marvel adaptation fo Sense & Sensibility.

They also have a page on Austen comics adaptations :

Thanks to Carmen & Almudena Romero for posting! 🙂



A review of Sense & Sensibility from the Guerilla Librarian 🙂

“I loved this one–a triumphant adaptation of a classic tale into a new format that loses nothing in the translation. Buy one for the Austen-ite in your life, one for the cynical closet romantic, and one for the teen who can’t be bothered to read anything published before 2007.”

Jane for Japan

The Secret Identities folks have put up a bunch of things on Ebay for auction to help raise funds for aid relief for  Japan; two Sense and Sensibility pages amongst them, starting at US$20!

do make a bid if you’re keen, its for a good cause 🙂


Image Comics press release for Liquid City Vol.2 has gone out, the cover and some sample pages can be seen at

Also out later this year is the Italian edition of the Malinky Robot collection from Lavieri Edizioni. “Le atmosfere rese in questi brevi episodi narrano le avventure minimaliste di due amici che si  dividono tra il centro futuristico e la periferia rurale della metropoli asiatica. Spettacolari le tavole, le colorazioni e lo stile fluido e dettagliato di Sonny Liew” apparently :p

Issue 2 of Sense and Sensibility is also out this month 🙂